A musical afterlife
On the Song Exploder podcast, Hrishikesh Hirway invites musicians to take apart a song of theirs and, piece by piece, tell the story of how it was made.
In this episode, Alfred Darlington, who records under the name Daedelus, explains the afterlife of his 2002 song Experience as it was sampled, remixed and reappropriated by others – first sampled by Madlib for his collaboration with MF Doom, Madvillain, and later resampled by Drake and Kitty. The track took on a life of its own. “Your legacy isn’t something you always choose,” says Darlington. “Sometimes it’s chosen for you.”
Listen to the story below:
You can listen to an extended version of this episode on on" >http:="" ">on<="" a="> the Song Exploder podcast. Buy Experience by Daedelus on iTunes.